Partners / A.S. Prote Maritime LTD
A.S. Prote Maritime Ltd
A.S. Prote Maritime Ltd is a Cypriot SME with a branch in Athens, Greece. From 2017, our R&D department based in Athens expanded company’ s activities to the use of new digital technologies, with main focus in UAVs, HAUVs, etc., primarily but not exclusively in merchant shipping and the maritime environment, being involved at the following fields: UAV Consultancy & Survey, Research & Development, VR Projects etc. Furthermore, our company is composed of researchers specialised in geopolitics, hybrid warfare, information warfare, IR, strategy, crisis management, rule of law, national security, and intelligence.
Our many years of experience in participating in a large number of research and development projects using new advanced digital technologies, in different fields of interest, as well as our successful presence for 15 years in the past in higher education, and almost 40 years of experience in the fields of War Navy and Merchant Navy, makes our company a key player in developing and/or participating in relative projects.
Our company has a strong presence in various R&D projects such as European Space Agency (ESA), European Defence Fund (EDF), Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS), Greek and Cypriot national calls, etc. Additionally, we hold a Diploma of Patent, Inventor from Hellenic Industrial Property Organization International Classification 2023.01: B64C 39/02, B64D 47/00, G06Q 50/10, G06V 10/10 Title: Marine area surveillance system, using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to avoid and prevent merchant ships from piracy.